- Driven to Improve -

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tobot V2.0

Fall 08
Maya 8.0
I don't know what to say actually...I guess I just wanted to practice my modeling skill.
So, I give you the new Tobot2.0.
I think it fits the style of my environment:P


Quoc Nguyen said...

woahoho! I see you modified the armor. I think the changes are great! keep it up man!
I'd like to see your night market stuff up when it's done! that should be amazing 2!

KiJeon Nam said...

Haha, great update. It looks like you basically added fancier armor to Tobot. It definitely looks cooler than Tobot (1.0?). By the way, what'd you write below "TOBOT"? It's a bit difficult to make out. Does it say "V2.0"? Anyways, keep up the good work. =)

Howard Cheng said...

Thanks for the comment.
I updated again, it looks a bit different.

EricWu said...

I like the spiffy new armor! The extra details give it a bit more personality.

may said...

I agree all comments above:)))

Anonymous said...

i' proud of you my brother

i love you too