- Driven to Improve -

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Winter 08
This is a picture I took when I was in Taiwan during the winter break. My girlfriend and I was trying to let the cat get closer to us. Then, my girlfriend put cookies on the ground and let the cat eat. It took a while for the cat to get to those cookies...
I thought it's a good chance to take some photos and I did. I have some other one with stand- still pose, but I think it's much more interesting to show something that has more action or emotions to it.
I think the composition is kind of bad, the cat's body cut the picture into half. But, I don't think it's going to be a big big issue. Personally, I think a good photography is not always about how good camra angle, composition or colors are. It is about if the artist could tell a story in one shot! Then, THAT is a good photography!

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